Spruce Up Your Home for Spring

Happy Spring! Now is the perfect time to spruce up your home. I’ve put together five easy ways to do this below. Check it out!
Spring cleaning is the best way to give your space a makeover. It doesn’t cost you anything and it will make your home feel so much better.
Tip: Take it one room at a time so it doesn’t feel like an overwhelming project.
Try Bare Floors
Remove your area rugs and have them deep cleaned for spring. Chances are you might even like your space bare especially if you have beautiful floors.
Add a New Coat of Paint
Is your space feeling stale? A fresh coat of paint can change that for you! This is also a low-cost way to switch things up in different spaces in your home.
Lighten Up Your Window Treatments
If you have dark shades or window treatments, swap them out with simple white curtains. This will help lighten your space and make your days feel longer!
Purchase New Plants
There’s nothing better than fresh plants! Plants can make a big impact on the outside of your home and on the inside.
These are just a few ideas to get you ready for spring. These are also great ideas if you are looking to sell your home in the near future! If you are considering selling your home this spring or summer give me a call at 919-438-0548 or email me at Ryan@HudsonResidential.com. We can discuss more ways to get your home ready for this crazy market!